The ballet division of the school is made up of four divisions: the Pre-Ballet division, the Beginner division, Intermediate division and Advanced division. Two technique classes are offered for students needing to prepare to enter the appropriate division. Pointe classes are based on ability and only the Artistic Director and faculty can determine when a student is ready to go on pointe. We offer a Variations class for Junior and Senior dancers by invitation only. All levels of students must take ballet and a Conditioning/ Stretching class based on Pilates for core strength and flexibility to prevent injury.
We also offer Modern dance, Jazz and Tap, Variations and Character classes.
These classes also follow our dance institution's philosophies.
Classes Offered
Pre-Ballet 1 (Age 3)
Pre-Ballet 2 (Age 4)
Young Children's Program
Teachers will incorporate magical props, games and stories to teach age appropriate dance and social skills. Students will be challenged with activities that encourage development of motor coordination, locomotive movements, musicality and the ability to follow directions. Children master basic ballet positions and steps and as they progress, teachers increase the learning tasks.
All of this is accomplished in a fun, warm and stimulating atmosphere that encourages creativity and self-expression, fosters confidence and builds success.
An in-house informal presentation will be shown at the end of the season for the family.
Upon completion of the classes children are equipped with a wonderful foundation for future achievement within SCD’s progressive training program.

Beg. Ballet 1 (Age 5)
Beg. Ballet 2 (Age 6)
*Stretch/conditioning class required
Beginning Ballet Division
Beginning Ballet defines the formal structured approach to classical ballet training. The student identifies and demonstrates knowledge of the body as an instrument by refining movement skills and coordination. Students gain a basic understanding of French vocabulary (ballet terms). Body conditioning and flexibility exercises are introduced as well as an expanded knowledge of program exercises. Students continue to explore musical awareness and learn simple elements of character dance. Progress at this level is rated by an evaluation completed by the Director and teacher at the end of the year. Students at this level are eligible to audition for future Nutcracker and year end performance.

Ballet 3 (Age 7-8)
Ballet 4 (Age 9)
Ballet 5 (Age 10-11)
*Two days per week recommended and
pilates/conditioning class required
**This division also includes character classes
Intermediate Division
Upon entering the Intermediate Division students begin formal training in classical ballet in the European tradition. The curriculum of this division is designed to lay the foundations of classical dance and repetition that is required to develop “muscle memory.” Proper technique and posture and alignment must be acquired during the training of the Intermediate Division.
Students at this level are eligible to audition for future Nutcracker, Evening of Dance, and year end performances. Students are also eligible to compete in the Connecticut Classic Ballet Competition. (This is a professional competition requiring extensive training thru private lessons).
Ballet 6 (Age 12)
Ballet 7 (Age 13+)
*Ballet 6 three days per week recommended
Ballet 7 four/five days per week recommended
and pilates/conditioning class required
**This division also incudes pointe, variations,
and character classes
Advanced Division
Students accepted to the Advanced Division have acquired the foundation of classical dance and have demonstrated the commitment and discipline required for serious ballet training. Specifically, they have mastered the vocabulary and curriculum of the Intermediate Division.
Students in Level 6 are required to take ballet 3 times per week. Students in level 7-10 are required to take 4 to 5 times per week. Pointe begins in level 6. Variation and Character classes are also offered. Pilates/Conditioning Class is required for all students.
Students at this level are eligible to audition for future Nutcracker, Evening of Dance, and year end performances. Students are also eligible to compete in the Connecticut Classic Ballet Competition. (This is a professional competition requiring extensive training thru private lessons).
Technique 1 & 2
These age appropriate classes provide students with limited backgrounds in dance the opportunity to prepare for entrance to upper level classes. After successfully demonstrating the required elements to progress and focus on expanding their knowledge and perfecting their skills they will move into an appropriate class. Progress at this level is rated by an evaluation by the Artistic Director and or Teachers at years’ end. It is not unusual for students to repeat this level to gain the necessary skills to move to another level.

Pointe work usually begins in level 6 ballet, but there is no specific age or level. The body must be ready and strong enough in order that damage will not occur. Care will be given to explain proper care and treatment of the shoes and the dancer’s feet. Work begins at the barre and progresses to center work.

Variations class is a study of short dances from full-length ballets that include solos, duets, trios or small groups. The mastery of a dancer’s technique is the heart of a variation. These dances are performed in their original version regardless of student’s age. This class prepares students for possible participation in the Connecticut Classic Ballet Competition.

Character dance, a subdivision of classical ballet, is a stylized representation of folk or national dance. It uses uplifting and lively music and dances from all over the world which have been adapted for theatre and classical ballets, character dance classes help students develop musicality, stage presence, and expressiveness.

This age appropriate class is designed to supplement traditional dance training in each discipline. Targeted exercises will develop physical endurance, increase core strength and flexibility to prevent injury, improve alignment, promote muscular balance and understand how to use breath control.

Modern Division
Limon Technique is based on fall and recovery. This class is for students Level 4 and above. The class allows students to explore their own momentum using breath and how it affects movement. Dancers also gain an innate understanding of the body’s weight and the effect of gravity on movement which allows for a fulsome three dimensional attack to dance.

Jazz Division
This class for students Level 3-10 expands students’ dance knowledge. Students learn the basic jazz techniques, including isolations, leaps, turns and the rhythms that are the hallmarks of the technique. Students use stretching and strengthening
class is the performance aspect of jazz and how it relates to Broadway musical theatre. An important element in this class is learning how to incorporate acting into movement in a fun, supportive, non-competitive atmosphere.
Tap Division
This class for students Level 3-10 expands students’ dance knowledge. Students begin with tap steps, rhythms and coordination steps to associate the dances with the music and their abilities. As dancers progress they will increase speed while executing more difficult steps and include style to their movements. This class will include musical theatre tap based on dances and numbers from well-known musicals and productions.